Feel-good read (at others’ expense) of the day: When you’re having a bad day, there are a few things that never fail to provide partial relief. And nothing is more effective in dire times of personal FML than seeing the weird and wonderfully horrid situations other people get themselves into, which they then thoughtfully post onto http://www.fmylife.com/ for your consolation (and entertainment). Here is a lovely example:
‘Today, my boyfriend brought me breakfast in bed, told me all the things he loved about me, got down on one knee and pulled out the little blue box I had been hoping for, for so long. He opened the box and there was a note inside that said, "April Fools!" FML.’
If it were me, I’d have given him a little blue box back. With his nuts in it.
..Just kidding!
Wtf of the day: Apparently a German anatomist is set to release an exhibition of corpses preserved for anatomical studies, that are to be posed in various sex positions...
Image courtesy of Ninemsn News / AAP
...If that’s not dead sexy, I don’t know what is.
Wtf of the day #2: Is it just me or are those little advertisement links at the bottom of MSN and Hotmail getting creepier?
Chompy B-]